St. Anne School employs a full-time registered nurse with the skills and expertise to treat minor health problems and keep students safe and healthy.
Please refer to the Parent/Student Handbook for St. Anne School's policies concerning medications, attendance, illnesses, immunizations, and all things related to the clinic and health care for students.
Attendance Policy
In order to ensure a safe and healthy atmosphere for your child in school, we request the following rules be observed:
1. Children with these symptoms should remain at home for observation and treatment:
Elevated temperature (fever)
Discharge from nose and eyes
Cough or sore throat
Earaches or toothaches
Rashes or infected sores
Diarrhea or upset stomach
Remember that cold symptoms can be a forerunner of communicable diseases. Children must remain at home until fever-free for 24 hours.
2. Chronic illnesses such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease, allergic reactions, epilepsy, etc., should be discussed in detail with the child's teacher, principal, and school nurse.
3. Children who are ill cannot come to school to make up work or take tests.
4. All pupils returning from an illness resulting in absences over 3 days must bring a doctor's note to return to class.
Contact Information for Sick Children
Because of exposure to other students, children who are ill will not be allowed to remain in school for a long period of time while waiting for someone to pick them up. Parents/guardians are required to keep emergency contact information current so that someone can be reached by telephone and is readily available to pick them up.
Reporting Illness and Absence
To report an illness or absence, please phone the school at 832-5939, and your call will be directed to the clinic. You may also send an email to the nurse at hstutes@sasbmt com. Please remember that a parent must still send a signed note to the school on the day of return.
Current Immunization Requirements by the State of Texas
All students are required to be current on immunizations according to the requirements of the Texas Department of State Health Services-Immunization Branch and the Diocese of Beaumont.
The Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Beaumont are not required to accept for enrollment a child who has received an exemption from the immunizations required by the Texas Health and Safety Code. Students may be allowed to enroll provisionally for 30 days, during which time immunization records can be sent to the school. An additional provision of enrollment may be granted to students “in progress.” This refers to those students who have had at least one dose of the age-appropriate vaccine required by the TDH rules.